Take Care Of Yourself

Amy (Jazmin Luv) pulls up to an upscale estate. She’s a bit stressed out since she’s late for an orientation for a prospective job as a live-in caretaker. Amy hasn’t exactly had it easy of late, having struggled to find employment and even provide a decent place to live for her and her offspring. But today, she’s certain that everything is about to change. She’s closer than she’s ever been to landing a decent job, and she won’t let this one slip through her fingers.


Recent Pure Taboo Episodes:

I'm Sure She'd Understand
Taking It Lying Down
Roommate's Mixed Messages
Future Darkly: Virtual Immorality
The Betrayal Between Them
Let Me In
Dreamweaver: An Anatomik Media Spotlight
Malicious Compliance
Better Than She Ever Could
Preserving Our New Lifestyle
Saving The Family Business
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