Quid Pro Quo

Scene opens on Mr. Jennings (Steve Holmes), who answers his door. Michelle (Naomi Swann) stands there. She looks nervous and reluctant. Ah, Michelle! Mr. Jennings says with a pleasant smile. Come in, please, he says. Michelle enters the house wordlessly. ‘SO glad you’re here. I can’t TELL you how much I appreciate you coming!’ Mr. Jennings says brightly. ‘Well… it’s not like you gave me much of a choice,’ Michelle says, an edge of contempt in her voice. ‘Oh come on now Michelle, I’m only your TEACHER. I can’t control what you do! You’re 18, you make your OWN decisions,’ Mr. Jennings says. ‘Although a decision that you made…a BAD one, I might add, is really what brought you here today.’ Mr. Jennings says. ‘WELL! In any case, it is lucky for you, then, that we’ve figured out a way for you to make up for that bad decision,’ he continues, in a very stern-teacher way. ‘So! What do you say we get my beautiful daughter down here? I just can’t WAIT for you to meet her!’ Mr. Jennings says. Holly! Mr. Jennings calls.


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