Cameron (Tommy Pistol), a school administrator at a local high school, arrives at the house of one of the teachers, Mrs. Williams (Marie McCray), to help her with an upcoming school fundraiser. After they finish up the work, Mrs. Williams’ teen Leana (Leana Lovings) returns home. Leana is happy to see Cameron, because she secretly has a crush on him.
Mrs. Williams then leaves the house, and Leana leads Cameron towards her bedroom where she has her materials spread out. Once they’re in Leana’s room, she pulls out some school flyers. Leana starts asking questions about various extracurriculars, but then she eventually admits that she has feelings for Cameron and wants to be with him. Cameron acts surprised, saying he’s flattered but that it wouldn’t be appropriate to do anything. He tries to leave, but Leana reveals that she knows he’s been intimate with some of her classmates, and she has proof… but she won’t say anything if he makes love to her, too. Realizing that Leana knows too much, Cameron shocks her by showing a much darker side of himself. It looks like Leana’s about to get what she wants, but will it turn out to be more than she can handle?