SCENE opens on Tim (Dick Chibbles) and his stepdaughter Laura (Mackenzie Moss). They’re sitting next to each other on the living room couch eating from bowls of cereal. Tim looks up from his paper, smiling warmly at Laura. So, what is she up to today?, Tim asks. Oh not much, she’s probably going to go meet Sharon to see a movie later, but for now, she’s just going to hang out in her room…read a little, Laura says pleasantly. Lazy Sunday, huh?, Tim smiles. Exactly, Laura responds. ‘Well, you deserve a lazy day. You’ve been working so hard lately. You’re only 18 and your work ethic is ALREADY better than mine ever was,’ Tim says with a little laugh.
A short time later, Tim chats with a woman online, arranging for her to come over that evening so that they can meet for the first time. Tim goes to tell Laura about the date. He’s nervous and excited. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll be great. You’re an…AMAZING guy and she’s a lucky girl,’ Laura says encouragingly. He smiles at her, brimming with love for his stepdaughter. Thanks, sweetie, he says kindly. They smile at each other for another moment before Tim says that he’ll leave her to it, exiting the room as he closes the door softly behind him. We stay in the room with Laura, who smiles. As she looks down at her laptop, we see what is on her screen. Unbeknownst to Tim, she is the one who he has been chatting with online.